Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 5 and 6

No water, no sinks, no countertop and no mirror. My bathroom was worthless for the last 36 hours but Bart got most of it put back together an hour ago. Now I have a new granite counter, 2 new sinks, 2 new faucets and a taller more back friendly cabinet and I was able to seal the grout!

We still need new lights, hardware, a mirror and I need to paint the cabinet, plus we need to paint the ceiling and walls but we are making progress. Originally I was going to stain the cabinet a coffee brown but now I think I'm going to paint it grey instead.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Nee said...

looking good.....excited to come see it

Nee said...
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Nee said...

the bathroom looks even better in person and the new big mirror that you just installed....not in these great also.