Friday, March 6, 2009


Today, while on a leasure friday midmorning drive through sunny emperial valley, Canessa and I had an enlightening experience.

While most people are unaware of the fact that palm trees can be grown in hot arid climates, our own brillantness was clear, as we were not in the least surprised to come upon Palm Tree farms. The trees were planted in neat rows (obviously layed out by an engineer), and appeared to be well-mani/pedi/whatever/cured. Given our innate inquisitiveness, and the frequentness of caNESSa's visits to resorts of assorted palm trees, we quickly came to the conclusion that such palm tree farms must be the source of the full grown, carefully placed palms at the classy posh resorts (word on the street is that full grown palms can go for upwards of 20k!).

As we continued our drive, signs advertising DATES became increasingly frequent. With curiosity piqued, we followed the signs to the "Medjool Date" store. I was nervous to try a new kind of date, since my dating has been seriously reduced since being married. Alas, were entered the store, surpised to find many of our fellow snow-birds (AKA Old Canadian peeps running from the snow). With a slight sense of bashfulness Canessa asked me what a date was. I told her they are dried plums. I was quickly corrected when looking at a book explaining the history of dates in the new world.

It turns out palm trees don't only grow pineapples and money, but also DATES. Dates really arn't dried plums after all - they aren't even related to a prune. They were once a fruit for the royalty of Saudi Arabia. Furthmore, the trees were almost extinct over in the yonder land, and have done remarkably well here. As for Canessa and I, we were most pleased to find that dates are excellent additions to a shake. I felt very comfortable eating the dates, given my royal lineage - but Canessa looked a little uncomfortable. I told she would always be my little princess, so she felt a little better about it.


Brian and Lindsey said...

You crack me up Bart:)

Matt and Joanna said...

it looks like you guys are having fun! i wish we could come and visit you while you're down there. i miss you guys and can't wait to see you in couple of months!